Begining in late 1972, just out of high school and all the way through 1982, every band I had was called TANK. I liked the name because it was bold and powerful (and more than a little bit phallic, though that wasn't a conscious thing). It was a natural as I was a big fan of WWII war machines when I was younger, building models of tanks and bomber planes like so many other kids my age. The music was big, bold, and bombastic and the name fit. It suited us. In 1982 we discovered OUR name and OUR brand had been usurped by some shitty UK punk band and we finally had to put it to rest. Bastards.

Our Tank went through several changes over time, both in personnel and musically, with myself and brother Rich (drums) being the constant. This page will attempt to document those days and share as much media as possible. Mastermind fans have been bugging us to release the three (3) brothers Berends' TANK demo (with David Berends; keyboards) for years as that was the proving ground for what later became Mastermind. Those who saw Tank live and knew the band should get a kick out of it. For others, an obscure bit of progressive music history, perhaps of passing interest. If you have anything to contribute; photos, anecdotes, anything, get in touch as some memories are a bit sketchy. One thing is certain; we were young, cocksure, and like the Blues Brothers, we were on a mission. This site will be a testament to those times. -BB

-- TANK circa 1976 --

-- TANK circa 1979 --

More to come!